"I'm not saying the WTS wasn't to blame for their deaths, I just don't know, but just because a JW kills themselves doesn't make it the fault of the WTS."
Yes maybe sometimes. But no fault to the watchtower.......really?
You want to minimize their organizations involvement and let them off the hook for thousands of people's demise. Your right they should have just snapped out of it and realized it was all bull shit and moved on with their lives like we all have done here....nice to say I guess.
I guess you don't know the same people I have known. Lets see these are some of the people I've known over the years who just should have just "snapped" out of it but decided to kill themselves instead.
One person who couldn't stand the guilt of leaving Bethel.
Three people who could not have any contact with all their children and grand children.
One person who was gay and could not live guilt.
Two people who left the organization but still believed it was real and killed themselves before god could.
How about the hundreds of people who have killed themselves because of refusing a blood transfusion? Isn't that really suicide....or do you call this mental illness?
Your right no big deal....
PS I don't believe everyone who kills themselves has mental illness.